This blog documents the work - in - progress of Spring Awakening, a theatrical performance about adolescence in the context of contemporary Egypt.

Performance dates: 01. – 06.04.2010 Rawabet Theatre, Cairo / 09.,10.04.2010 Jesuit Centre, Alexandria.

December 13, 2010

Back in CAIRO

12 days past fast, the experiences will stand the test of time (pathos allowed) -
thanks to all who supported us, came to see the performance and made the tour possible!


Workshop with 30 palestinian teenagers from a camp in Tripoli.


Laila on Air: Morning programm of Future TV and BICA
(interview coming up)

1st show in Beirut

"Why did you chose such subject? And not something easier to deal with?"

Lola and Rasha now seem to be the sex idols of some 80 teenagers who saw the matinée show


Arriving in Dawar El Shams, Saber arrives as well - safe sound welcome.
Excited about the two extra matinées.

Dawar El Shams, Warm up

Going to BEIRUT

Summing up II:

1 (syrian) critic who never thanks anyone thanks Laila for the performance
1 (egyptian) critic who "had an experience"
5 x 1 report written by the egyptian journalist who travelled with us; key words: honor, delight, honor, cultural exchange, honor, progess of relations, honor. Minor mentions: Frank Wedekind, 1891
350 people who saw the show
1 Visa problem - waiting for lebanese travel permit for Mehera

(detailed critics coming up)


Perfoming in Damascus - stage about twice as big as in Cairo, audience capacity aound 500..

A bit trial and error with various hanging systems..

And - we found the Syrian Version of Tok Tok

December 10, 2010

DAMASCUS PART 2 (02.12.2010)

Zero gets his travelling permission - he arrives on the the 1st.

Rehearsing between edges of french culture centre and hotel lobby

DAMASCUS PART 1 (30.11.2010)

Summing up/getting ready
(Access denied to blogspot in Damascus)

- 1 new play version (amongst others: govenement censores content of official 9th grade biology book)
- 2 missing actors waiting for tavelling permission in Cairo
- 2 new actors on tour (Welcome Amr Abdelazis and Mounir Saeed!)
- 2 ministers of culture with an eye on the production 24/7
- 150 kilo extra luggage (entire stage)
- 12 days of touring coming up

Mounir, Ezzat, Amr Ezzat, Marwa from the Egyptian ministry