Yet: two scenes. Mixture of curiousity and confusion.
"I would call my kids Malak and Muhannad." (Maisa, 15) Muhannad is the male protagonist of the turkish TV soap "Noor".
"Yes, they will go to school. But housework comes first." (Seham, 16)
"Do you think I´ll spend honeymoon in Sharm El Sheikh? I´ll be tide down at home." (Amal, 18)
"I know my part. It´s not a real role, is it?" (Amal, 18)
El Hadaba el Wosta: 4 hours, 7 pizzas, 12 boys and girls, all scenes of Wedekind. For the first time a possiblity to have scenes with boys and girls. Warming up is already a challenge. Deciding against mixed groups. Reading and preparing the text has in consequence: Flirting with between different groups. Rejecting a scene because of uncomfortable feelings. Recreating monologue of Hänschen Rilow between a fulla colorbook scribble, hysterical laughter and playing for keeps.
(Supplement: the confiscated Guiness Book shows up again)
Introducing the actors:
Ali, Ezzat, Mariam, Omar, Salma, Sherin, Vito, Walid, Xero!
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